Archive for Chamorro Translations

Chaplet of Divine Mercy ~ Chamorro Translation

I started compiling my recipes when my daughters were very young, intending to pass them on to them when they got older and took an interest in cooking.  I wanted them to learn about their Chamorro heritage, a large part of which centers around cooking.

Our language is another priceless treasure I want to pass on to them.  While not a very fluent speaker of our Chamorro language myself, I do know basic conversational words and phrases, most of which I’ve passed on to my  kids.  I’m now in the process of teaching them various prayers in Chamorro.

This post focuses on the translation of the Chaplet of Divine Mercy.  Feel free to share it with your friends and family. 🙂

Note:  If you scroll all the way to the bottom of this post, you can listen to/watch two videos of the Chaplet of Divine in Song (in English).

Chaplet of Divine Mercy (0)

Chaplet of Divine Mercy (1)

Chaplet of Divine Mercy (2)

Chaplet of Divine Mercy (3)

Chaplet of Divine Mercy (4)

Chaplet of Divine Mercy (5)

Chaplet of Divine Mercy (6)

Chaplet of Divine Mercy (7)

Chaplet of Divine Mercy (8)

Chaplet of Divine Mercy (9)

Chaplet of Divine Mercy (10)

Chaplet of Divine Mercy (11)